The first thing that comes to our mind when someone talks about ‘health’ is physical health. Diet and exercise are most talked about when health is the topic. However, good health refers to both physical and mental health. Mental health consists of a sound mind and a spirited soul. Since there is a connection between our mind and body, it’s equally important to take care of our mind and soul. Connecting to your soul is a transformational experience. When your mind connects with the soul, then your passion and purpose align with the universe.  If you do not connect your mind and soul, it can lead to frustration and lack of focus in life. A good way to achieve this connection is through travelling. Traveling gives you a choice of personalizing your itinerary. Travelling to new places keeps your mind calm and helps you to connect with your soul. How can you feel connected to your mind and soul while traveling.

Let’s have a look at a few points to find out how going for a trip can keep you positive and help connect your mind and soul.

1. Cope with stress.

You may have noticed that adrenaline rush when you are off to the airport for your new trip. Higher adrenaline release enables you to deal better with daily stresses in your work and personal life. The increased adrenaline helps to cope with anxiety and gives you the confidence to take on new challenges. Studies have found that travelling helps in a significant drop in stress levels. When you take a break from your daily routine, it leads to rejuvenation and relaxation of your body and mind.  While travelling, you set yourself in a different environment, and involve yourself in activities like hiking, and exploring new places, resulting in stress reduction. Therefore, travelling gives you calmness in stressful situations and helps connect your mind and soul.

2. Build connections

Traveling gives you many opportunities to connect with others. During your trips, you can meet, stay, and share lives with new people. In foreign lands, when you are looking for guidance, you meet these strangers who help you out. In this process, you make many new connections. This feeling of togetherness in a distant land enhances your self-image, develops you spiritually, and boosts your confidence levels. Traveling makes you more sharing. Openness takes you out of your otherwise stable zone and releases stress, thus connecting your mind and soul.

3. Great Ideas

Traveling gives you a chance to think about fresh ideas from a completely new perspective. As you face new situations and meet new people, you start going outside your comfort zone. As a result, your brain starts to think differently, causing a paradigm shift. Even after coming back from your trip, you start dealing with problems differently. After seeing different cultures, you start observing life from a different angle. New ideas start emerging from your mind and soul.

4. For The Soul
Indulging in activities like cycling, hiking, surfing, kayaking, exploring places, attending any spiritual and religious orientation helps you in finding more meaning to your life. You start understanding your priorities and appreciate the people around you. You utilize this opportunity to connect with new people and feel gratitude for the people in your life. You understand the place of your family, friends and your loved one who makes your soul happy. Traveling gives this feeling of gratitude in your life which is normally taken for granted due to the busy schedule. If you are planning to go for any activity like kayaking or surfing, you can carry your surfboard on the kayak roof rack.

5. It cures depression
Apart from relieving you from stress, traveling also helps in curing depression. When you plan your itinerary, it instantly gives you a sense of excitement. The excitement of searching for new locations, planning the fun activities boosts your mental functions. A weekend trip or a one-week long holiday both are rewarding and decreases the level of depression. You return from your trip feeling satisfied.

6. Live in the present

Traveling also helps in dealing with anxiety. Before planning for any trip, it’s okay to feel anxious about the things that can happen or go wrong. At the same time, travelling teaches us to be spontaneous. It can teach you to bring out your inner adventurer. When you plan something spontaneous, you simply go with the flow and with the belief that only good things will happen. If you are a biker, go for a bike ride solo or with your friends. Attach a good luggage carrier to your DRZ400 bike to carry your travel essentials. It’s during these trips that you realize to enjoy every moment and neither procrastinate nor worry about the past or wonder about the future.

The above pointers when experienced will help you connect with your mind and soul better. You will understand yourself better. Travelling is the best teacher to push you towards new hobbies. Apart from connecting the mind and soul, the health benefits of traveling are also immense. So, what are you waiting for? Plan your next vacation and do something new!

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